Through globally-minded research centers on campus and research projects around the world, Tulanians are putting forth big and bold ideas to transform the world in collaboration with community partners.

Since the 1920s, Tulane University has been a leader in Latin American studies nationally and internationally. The Roger Thayer Stone Center for Latin American Studies currently embraces a mission to promote a comprehensive, nuanced understanding of Latin America through support for research, teaching, language study, co-curricular and outreach programs, and direct engagement with Latino communities in the region and in the U.S.

The Center for Global Education (CGE) is Tulane's hub for global learning and engagement for undergraduate students. Consisting of the Office of Study Abroad (OSA), English for Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP), and International Undergraduate Student Support, CGE advances equitable and robust opportunities for students to enhance their global awareness and intercultural learning.

Housed within Tulane's School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine, the Center for Applied Malaria Research and Evaluation (CAMRE)'s work focuses on effective malaria prevention interventions through systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and impact evaluations of malaria control programs in Zambia, Malawi and Eritrea.

The Center for Emerging Reproductive and Perinatal Epidemiology (CERPE) primarily focuses its research activity on global reproductive epidemiology, taking a broad approach to emerging pregnancy-related issues and methods. Research and academic activities span several departments within the Tulane School of Medicine and School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine.

The Center for Inter-American Policy and Research (CIPR) focuses on issues of importance to Latin America and inter-American relations. Its aim is to stimulate contact between scholars and decision-makers working on the region at different locations and in different languages, enriching their production by enabling the confluence of multiple perspectives.

The Center for Reproductive Health Policy and Programs aims to increase access to quality reproductive health services in low- and middle- income countries, working closely with government, NGO partners, and other stakeholders to achieve this objective. The Center is currently focused on work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

The Commitment to Equity Institute(CEQ) works to reduce inequality and poverty globally through comprehensive and rigorous tax and benefit incidence analysis, and active engagement with the policy community. The Institute has four main areas of work: methods and policy tools, a data center on fiscal redistribution, advisory and training services, and bridges to policy.

The Cuban and Caribbean Studies Institute (CCSI) works with Cuban counterpart organizations for the purposes of academic collaboration and exchange, curricular development, cultural exchange and international development and dialogue. Part of the Stone Center for Latin American Studies, CCSI is aimed at promoting a true academic and cultural exchange between Cuba and the United States.

The LAUNCH program is a 12-month mentored research training program for pre-and post-doctoral candidates and is sponsored by the Fogarty International Center, as well as several individual NIH institutes, including the National Cancer Institute and the Office of Research for Women's Health.

The Goldring Institute of International Business houses Freeman's research and academic programs related to international business. Along with international partners in Latin America and Asia-Pacific, the Goldring Institute offers the Master of Management in Energy, Master of Finance, Master of Management, Master of Global Management, an MD/MBA double degree, and International Executive MBA degree programs.

Supported by USAID Southern Africa, the goal of the HVC-RC is to provide empirical evidence that can effectively guide programming and policy for children in difficult circumstances. The HVC-RC seeks to support the development and promote the expansion of evidence-informed interventions through a multi-faceted approach, including monitoring and evaluation, program resources, and technical assistance.

The Middle American Research Institute strives to promote greater understanding of the vibrant and diverse cultures of Middle America. It stewards an extensive collection of textiles, artifacts, and an archive of letters, field notes, maps, and photographs from scores of field projects, making these accessible to researchers and the general public through a variety of exhibitions, workshops, and symposia.

The Tulane University Obesity Research Center (TUORC) facilitates interdisciplinary efforts to integrate systems epidemiology with research on the diet and lifestyle risk factors, etiology, consequences, treatment and prevention of obesity and its metabolic complications such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular and kidney diseases with multiple international research collaborations.

The Tulane Office of Global Health (OGH) fosters interdisciplinary, collaborative research opportunities for faculty across Tulane University and promotes global health research training opportunities for Tulane students. Offices are located in the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine and in an overseas office in Lima, Peru (HOLA, or the Health Office for Latin America).

The Tulane Program to Advance Representation in Minority Health Research (ARMHR) provides mentored research training experiences to four PhD/doctoral students from groups that are underrepresented in biomedical, behavioral, and social science research, including minority groups based on race/ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation, and socio-economic disparities. Trainees are placed either in the New Orleans area or in an affiliated international site in Peru, the Dominican Republic, or Sierra Leone.